
Mia and Tofu

Neoplasene, an extract derived from bloodroot, may help with some cancers. Even though it is a natural substance, it does hold potential dangers. If you decide to go this route, it is imperative that you work with Veterinarian Henry Pasternak, D.V.M., C.V.A., every step of the way.


Bloodroot, Sanguinaria Canadensis, has long been used in herbal medicine to treat skin issues, including warts and fungal infections. This native wildflower appears each spring in the eastern woodlands of North America.

Native Americans also used it for red dye. Only certain components of bloodroot are used in the making of neoplasene. Neoplasene causes cancer cells to die-but it can also kill healthy cells, so extreme caution is necessary. Neoplasene treatment may lessen cancer's spread or metastasis. It will also stimulate the immune system to kill cancer cells locally.

Neoplasene may or may not cure cancer, but in combination with holistic treatments, including diet, it can help your dog or cat live longer with a good quality of life. In a best-case scenario your dog/cat will live to a ripe old age and not die of cancer.

​​​​​​​Canine/Feline Cancer Treatment

Neoplasene is effective for a variety of canine/feline cancers. These include Carcinomas, Sarcomas, Melanomas, Fibrosarcomas, Hemangiosarcomas, Mammary gland tumors, Mast cell tumors, and Perianal cancers. Neoplasene doesn't cost as much as cancer treatment such as chemotherapy or radiation, but it is labor-intensive and must be applied topically. When the tumor cells die, they leave behind a gaping hole-perhaps down to the bone- requiring vet care. Doctor Pasternak may apply neoplasene to a tumor, and the growth will eventually die. After that, you may apply neoplasene salve to cancer. When done correctly, scarring may be minimal.

Wound healing after Neoplasene was applied to a mass on Mia's abdominal area.
​​​​​​​Mass is gone now.

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