Our Doctor

Healing Pets with Nature's Miracle Cures

​​​​​​​Meet Our Vet

Henry Pasternak D.V.M., C.V.A

Henry Pasternak D.V.M., C.V.A


Henry Pasternak has practiced integrative medicine, using both holistic and Western therapies, at Pasternak Veterinary Center, in West Los Angeles, California, since 2003 with over 34 years of experience. He has a doctor's degree in veterinary medicine from the University of Missouri-Columbia and is certified in veterinary acupuncture by the International Veterinary Acupuncture. He is also USDA/APHIS certified. In addition, he is a member of the Holistic Veterinary Medical Association, the California Veterinary Medical Association, the Southern California Veterinary Medical Association, and the American Animal Hospital Association. Doctor Pasternak has studied holistic medicine with experts in China and as well in the United States.

Doctor Pasternak is certified in veterinary acupuncture and has a special interest in holistic veterinary care for your companion’s longevity and quality of life. He combines conventional and alternative therapies in which diagnostics and a thorough examination are needed.

There is a large range of treatment options. Doctor Pasternak can provide individualized care and focus on your companion needs and doing a variety of other services.

Some of the things that Dr. Pasternak has a special interest in are treating different types of cancers, infections, skin infections, certain eye issues, musculoskeletal, respiratory, gastrointestinal, and autoimmune diseases.

*Please note: Doctor Pasternak cannot answer general health questions about your pet by phone or email. A complete exam is required for Dr. Pasternak to be able to address any questions or concerns you may have.


By Henry Pasternak D.V.M.

Healing Pets With Nature's Miracle Cures discusses how holistic and conventional medicine can work together effectively. Written in layman's terms, this is the pet owner's and veterinarian's comprehensive guide to practical healing methods for animals suffering from chronic disease as well as acute situations.

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